Refreshing Peppermint and Green Chai


A bold blend of Peppermint and Green Chai with cardamom, clove, fennel and black pepper. Green tea, peppermint and spices create an energising, rich blend. Brew in Boiling Water.

????  origin: India

????  type: Chai

????  caffeine: medium

????  flavour: fresh, mint, mellow

????  aroma: refreshing, spicy. mint


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This purchase will earn you 6-89 Points!

The History of Indian Chai

In the 1830s, the British East India Company became concerned about the Chinese monopoly on tea. After discovering the existence of the Camelia Sinensis Assamica tea plants in India, then began to cultivate their own tea plantations.

While tea was incredibly popular in the West, most Indians found it too expensive. In 1901, the Indian Tea Association decided that to make more money, they needed Indians to drink tea too. 

In order to popularise tea, the Indian Tea Association set up vendors, known as chaiwalas, at major railway stations, outside of factories, cotton mills and coal mines, convincing employers to give Indians a mandatory tea break every day.
Each chaiwala wanted to stand out from the crowd, so they started adding spices to their tea, like black pepper, cardamom and ginger,
developing their own special masala, or spice mix.

new to loose leaf tea?

Elevate your tea experience with our easy-to-use, stylish teaware.


brewing loose leaf tea has never been easier

The most spectacular and effortless way to brew your loose leaf tea! The removable glass infuser allows for multiple re-steeps and helps to avoid over-brewing.

for teapros who are always on-the-go

Our Teapro infuser bottle is your perfect travel companion, ensuring maximum flavour, whilst keeping your tea hot or cold for up to 12 hours in a sleek & sustainable design.

share the joy of delicious loose leaf tea

Witness the mesmerising transformation of loose leaf tea as it steeps, creating a beautiful centrepiece while serving a perfect tea for you and your friends.

How to Make Green Chai Like a Teapro

add 3-4 g tea leaves

heat water to 80C

infuse for 3 min

re-steep up to 3 times


20g, 175g, 350g