

From the day we founded teapro, we’ve always strived to make sustainable choices – whether it’s the decision to stock exclusively loose leaf tea or to use only compostable pouches and mailer boxes.


This year, we’re committed to sourcing more compostable options for our teaware packaging as well as finding new strategies to actively help the environment.


why we only sell loose leaf tea

We believe that drinking loose leaf tea is much better for our planet.


Not only do some teabags contain microplastics, but the steps of transporting the tea to the teabag packing facility, as well as the energy required to package them and to ship them back to the distribution centre is a strain on environment that our founders Tom and Tatjana choose to avoid. 


We realise that most people find tea bags more convenient. However, we believe that drinking loose leaf tea can be just as easy – all you need is the right teaware. 


compostable vs. biodegradable

At teapro we are proud to announce that we’ve recently switched from biodegradable to compostable pouches, but what’s the difference?

All compostable items are biodegradable, but not all biodegradable products are compostable.


A notable difference between the two is that biodegradable products break down into a few natural elements, while compostable products leave behind a single organic material called humus, which has many beneficial uses which include fertilising and improving soil health. 



how can I brew tea more sustainably?

As a tea lover (and presumably a frequent tea drinker) there are certain things you can do to make your carbon footprint as minimal as possible. 


Below are teapro’s top 6 tips for a carbon conscious brew:


1. Treat yourself to high quality tea
2. Get out of the habit of adding milk
3. Fill your vessel then fill your kettle
4. Go Loose leaf over teabag
5. Use a re-usable mug
6. Don’t forget your kettle is boiled


We recommend you to check out our article “How to brew tea carbon consciously, the teapro way” to give you a better understanding of the reasoning behind our suggestions.