Top 5 Herbal Teas for Easing Period Pain

Menstrual cramps can be debilitating for many women throughout the course of their lives, and it is no secret that many herbal teas have proven to be a great natural alternative form of pain relief. Period pain is caused by cramps, spasms, contractions and inflammation in the uterus, triggered by the release of prostaglandins during that ‘time of the month’. 

Although moderate period pain is a perfectly normal part of menstruation, it can make daily life difficult. 

Whilst we instinctively tend to reach for paracetamol or ibuprofen, there are some great natural remedies to help alleviate the cramps and soothe the discomfort. 

1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known to help relieve several of the symptoms associated with menstruation, including pains and cramps. It contains compounds like apigenin, which help relax the uterus and reduce muscle spasms, alleviating cramping pain.

Additionally, chamomile acts as a mild sedative, helping to soothe nerves and promote relaxation, which can also help ease discomfort during menstruation. Its anti-inflammatory effects may further reduce the production of prostaglandins, hormones that trigger pain and inflammation during periods.

A 2019 study, along with a 2021 systematic review, both confirmed chamomile as an effective natural treatment for primary dysmenorrhea and for reducing menstrual bleeding.



2. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is an aromatic herb, part of the mint family that is a cross between watermint and spearmint.

Peppermint can relieve several digestive issues, which are often exacerbated by menstruation. This includes bloating and indigestion. It is a good muscle relaxant, to aid in the recovery from cramps and inflammation.

A study from 2016 has found that “while the bleeding amount did not significantly change, pain and its severity and all the clinical signs and symptoms decreased after taking peppermint extract.”



3. Rose Bud Tea

Rose tea contains anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help relax the muscles of the uterus, reducing cramps and discomfort. 

Additionally, rose tea is known to have a calming effect, which can help alleviate mood swings, anxiety, and stress often associated with menstruation. 

Some studies have suggested that rose tea can help reduce both the intensity of menstrual pain and the emotional symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), making it a soothing, natural remedy for period discomfort.



4. Ginger & Turmeric

Both Ginger and Turmeric have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve period pain and lower prostaglandin production, which cause cramps.

A study involving 168 female college students found that taking 200 mg of ginger every 6 hours was just as effective as painkiller drug Novafen at reducing menstrual pain. 
Another study from 2024 also confirmed the effectiveness of turmeric for period pain relief by lowering prostaglandin production, as well as by supporting hormonal balance. 



5. Lady’s Mantle Tea

Traditionally used for women’s health, lady’s mantle has anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antispasmodic properties, making it effective for reducing menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. 

Its ability to tone the uterine muscles can help ease discomfort during menstruation, while also balancing hormones, which may alleviate PMS symptoms.

Lady’s mantle is often recommended for women experiencing painful or irregular periods, and it can help regulate the menstrual cycle over time.



Which tea is the most effective? 



Each tea provides a natural option for managing period pain, offering various supportive benefits.

Chamomile tea is effective for period pain due to its anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties, while peppermint tea helps ease cramps and bloating with its natural menthol.

Rose bud tea offers relief through its antispasmodic and calming effects, which can also help with emotional symptoms.

Ginger and turmeric tea combines the anti-inflammatory benefits of both herbs, reducing pain and discomfort. Lady’s mantle tea, though less studied, has traditional use as an astringent and anti-inflammatory remedy for menstrual cramps and regulation.

We suggest experimenting with these different teas to find the one that works best for you.

An English Literature & Spanish student, with a passion for lifestyle, culture and communication science.

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