9 Powerful Teas for Natural Headache Relief

Looking for a natural remedy to soothe aching headaches or migraines? Let’s explore herbal teas for a gentle and effective way to ease discomfort.

From the calming properties of chamomile to the uplifting zing of peppermint, these teas offer more benefits than just a comforting sip.

Whether you’re dealing with stress related tension headaches or persistent migraines, there is a tea for you!

1. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea delivers a crisp, revitalising mint flavour with a subtle hint of natural sweetness. This herbal infusion isn’t just about the bold mint; it also provides a delicate, soothing aftertaste.

Unlike many herbal teas, peppermint tea has a light, clean finish that refreshes your palate without any lingering aftertaste.

Peppermint tea can offer relief for headaches thanks to its muscle relaxant and pain-relieving properties. The menthol in peppermint enhances blood flow and provides a cooling sensation, effectively easing tension headaches. While peppermint oil might have a stronger effect, studies suggest that peppermint tea can also have a significant pain-relieving impact.



Struggling with headaches or migraines? Discover the soothing power of our Whole Leaf Peppermint Tea!

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea has a bold, spicy kick that’s both warming and refreshing. Its peppery heat is balanced with hints of citrus. The aroma is zesty and invigorating, making it a great pick-me-up. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so you can enjoy it any time of the day or night.

Ginger tea can offer relief for headaches and migraines, especially those linked to inflammation. Packed with powerful antioxidants like gingerols, ginger helps reduce inflammation, a common cause of tension-based headaches and migraines.

A 2014 study found that consuming ginger powder was nearly as effective for treating migraines as taking sumatriptan, a common migraine medication.


Ginger tea can easily be made using our Loose Tea Infuser Glass! Simply add freshly sliced ginger into the infuser insert and allow it to infuse for 3-4 minutes in hot water.  

3. Chamomile Tea

Originating from Europe, this tea has a floral, smooth, and subtly sweet flavour. Its soothing aroma is mellow, creating a calming experience when brewing and drinking this tea. 

Chamomile is a calming herbal tea that’s perfect for soothing pain associated with headaches. Its anti-inflammatory properties work to reduce pain, while its calming effects can also relieve stress and anxiety, often linked to headaches.

Enjoying a cup of chamomile tea can offer relief by addressing both the physical and emotional contributors to headache discomfort.



Looking for natural headache relief? Discover our chamomile tea, known for its soothing, floral flavour and calming effects. 

4. Clove Tea

Cloves add a warm, spicy, and slightly sweet flavour to tea, which is why they’re a common ingredient in many Chai Tea blends. Our Refreshing Peppermint and Green Chai features cloves, creating a fresh, minty flavour and a spicy, refreshing aroma.

The antinociceptive properties within cloves help to block your perception of pain, easing headache discomfort. 

This particular chai blend is also perfect because the inclusion of peppermint can help alleviate headaches due to its natural muscle relaxant properties and soothing aroma. Paired with cloves, this tea alleviates pain associated with headaches and provides a calming experience.


Discover the perfect remedy for your headaches and a moment of relaxation with our Refreshing Peppermint and Green Chai.

5. Feverfew Tea

Feverfew tea has a mildly bitter with a subtle hint of earthiness, making it a soothing and slightly tangy herbal infusion.

With a history rich in medicinal use, studies have shown that feverfew can help with migraines by reducing both their frequency and severity. It contains compounds that can improve inflammation and blood flow, which are linked to migraine pain.

Regular use of feverfew can be a powerful and natural way to manage and prevent migraines and headaches.

For a way to help manage migraines and headaches, look out for feverfew tea at health food shops and specialty herbal shops.


For a way to help manage migraines and headaches, you can find feverfew tea from brands like Indigo Herbs

6. Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass tea offers a bright, citrusy flavor with a subtle sweetness, complemented by its refreshing aroma.

This invigorating profile makes it an excellent choice for alleviating headaches, as its soothing and cooling properties can help relax tense muscles and uplift the senses.

Lemongrass tea can help alleviate headaches by reducing inflammation, a key factor in tension headaches. Its soothing properties contribute to overall relief and relaxation. 

Additionally, one study suggests lemongrass can influence pain perception, potentially making the discomfort of a headache feel less intense.



For headache relief, try our Lemongrass tea! Its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties help ease tension and discomfort.

7. Willow Bark Tea

Willow bark tea has a subtly woody, earthy flavour with a faint hint of bitterness. Its taste is mild and slightly astringent, similar to other herbal teas.

For Thousands of years, willow bark has been used to help with pain and inflammation. A study has shown that it contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin, which may contribute to its pain-relieving effects.

If you are trying to relieve headaches, look out for willow bark tea at health food shops and specialty herbal shops.

8. Ginkgo Biloba Tea

Ginkgo biloba tea has a flavour profile that is mellow, with a subtly savoury undertone. Originating from Asia, and believed to be one of the oldest tree species still with us today, this tea offers a light, earthy aroma that reflects its herbal nature.

Used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, ginkgo biloba tea can provide relief for those suffering with migraines. Studies suggest that it can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, making it a potentially useful addition to your approach to managing migraines.



For migraine relief, consider incorporating our Ginkgo Biloba Tea into your routine. Its long history of use in traditional medicine and potential to reduce migraine frequency makes it an interesting tea to explore!

9. Lemon balm Tea

Lemon balm tea has a bright and zesty citrus flavour complemented by a hint of sweetness. Originating from Europe, it boasts a minty, refreshing aroma that adds to its soothing and calming qualities.

Lemon balm is known for its potential to ease stress-related headaches. Studies have shown lemon balm promotes relaxation and relives muscle tension. 



For headache relief, try our Lemon Balm tea! Known for its calming and soothing properties, Lemon Balm can help ease tension and reduce stress, which are often contributors to headaches.

Which tea is the most effective for headaches?

Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this. The most effective tea often depends on the type of headache (tension, migraine, stress-related etc.) and individual sensitivities.


– Individual responses vary: What works for one person might not work for another.
– Combination of factors: Headaches often have multiple causes, so tea might be part of a broader relief strategy.

Each offers unique flavours and natural relief, making them perfect for your wellness journey. If you have a hunch on what is causing your headaches, you can try the teas that address that particular cause.

The best strategy is to experiment and to see what works for you – you can even try blending the teas that are most effective for you.

Hot drinks lover, especially peppermint tea. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing student. Passionate about cooking, exploring new music, and playing the piano.

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